The Plan. Not too much, not too little.


The challenge that I’m facing off the get go is that there is so much that I could be doing, I get overwhelmed with the options and end up stressing about the prospect of doing too little.

Do I jump straight into an online master’s degree? Do I complete a certificate in full-stack web development and seek work as a part-time developer? Should I start making GPTs for the Chat GPT store and hope to make a quick buck?

I suddenly have a bunch of extra time in my schedule. My time aboard an operational submarine is complete, and for the next 2 years I’ll be teaching tactics in the local training facility. The hours are extremely favorable to extracurricular activities. Often, I have nothing to do in the afternoons and get home hours before the evening traffic.

An influencer I admire is Alex Hormozi, who preaches that, when faced with an overwhelming selection of self-help opportunities, the best path to pick doesn’t matter. Just pick something and do it. Don’t know what the best course is? Do them all, one at a time, until you stop finding fulfillment from them.

I aim to take that approach, but not do everything at once.

For starters, I’ve commenced doing daily coding challenges in Python. I must get crisp at interview-style questions if I want to nail that interview when the time comes.

Next up, I want to build and ship something. A long-time friend of mine is branching off to start his own game development studio, and I see an opportunity to be a project manager/developer to make this thing a reality. I’m organizing, motivating, and kickstarting various aspects of this new business. I’ll talk more about it later.

And lastly, I still want to be a web developer, and I’m about 40% of the way through a Coursera certificate on Full Stack Web Development. I want to use this to, first, help create a web presence the game studio, but I also want to start taking on side projects making websites.

But, of course, I must think long term. I’ll post later about my final goal. All these steps will, kind of, get me there, but here in 2 or 3 months I’ll shift gears a little bit and start working for the long-term.

If you’re still reading, thank you. Please feel welcome to drop a comment, I’d love to chat.


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